Home → Calcium → Event Reminders → Setting up an Event to send a SMS Reminder
5.2. Setting up an Event to send a SMS Reminder
When creating a booking using the create/edit event pop up window, scroll down to the pink bar labelled "Email Reminders":
There will be a note in the system to remind you to enter the information for the reminder. If the patient does not have an email address and/or a mobile number this will be noted in the booking by staff. Please see below for an example of the reminder note you will find in the Event Edit Window:
Enter mobile number under "Email Address" as phonenumber@send.smsbroadcast.com.au. (see below) The @send.smsbroadcast.com.au should already be in the appointment window. You do not need to adjust the time before as this has already been determined. Make sure to enter the number accurately and with no spaces.
Example with no number: (incorrect)
Example with number: (correct)
- There must be NO spaces in the number
- It cannot be sent to a landline (it is a SMS, so needs a mobile number to be received at)
- It must contain the @send.smsbroadcast.com.au so do not delete this (including making sure it has the @ symbol still)
- Mobile number MUST be the correct number of digits.
- IF configured for a SMS reminder it cannot be sent to an email address (eg johnsmith@email.com), it will not work.